Sunday, June 8, 2008

In search of lost book

I am just desperate to get started, particularly after the celebratory madeleines Jessie, Robert Musil and I shared yesterday. However, my book is still mysteriously and unfortunately missing in action; both Amazon and the postal service claim that it's been "in transit" somewhere in the five mile stretch of 580 between Richmond and Berkeley for the past week or so. Actually, perhaps this absence is a good thing. To be honest, I'm a little afraid of what will happen when this book arrives - it's a monster. ONE volume, 2408 pages, no notes, no glosses, no introduction: just a whole lot of Proust in his unadulterated French glory. I am (for now, at least) determined to triumph: Marcel, you and your superlative moustachio will not defeat me! Hopefully the hulking physical threat of the single-volume Recherche will not shake my resolve...

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